Sunday, November 30, 2008

New Family Picture for Christmas

Jared 2,



& Charity 5


The Butler Bunch said...

How are you??? I've been thinking about you lately, wondering how everything is going. I love to blog, so this will be a great way to keep in touch with you. What a cute picture, and cute family. How is the hospital going? How is it working nights? We need to catch up. Amanda Graff was in town over Thanksgiving. Did you go to her baby shower? I didn't go. I was working. oh well, maybe next time.

The Butler Bunch said...

I've been having trouble getting on to your blog, but I just figured it out, and fixed it. Hope you had a great Christmas. Take Care, Julie.

ChrissyLee said...

Jenna- it's Chrissy (Campbell). didn't even know you had a blog. i ran into it...can't remember how- i'm a blog stalker. i'm adding you to mine. i just set my blog to private, but if you would like an invite, email me at
we need to do something sometime. it's dumb that we haven't!!